We have finished the 4th year of the School of Leaders. It is always a great joy to see our 8 month effort evaluated positively by the students.

Here are some of their comments about SPM school 2006/7:
– It was such a great adventure to be a student in the school. It has been an encouraging time for me. I regained the hope from every SPM gathering. Thank you for inspiring me, for the example I found in you as people who walk with Jesus daily.
– SPM became to me a synonym for encouragement. Time I spent with you and the ministry you are doing was a testimony of your walking with God and your service to Him with a full heart. Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement and your friendship.
– The greatest benefit has been the fact that my point of view spread (became) wider. SPM opened new doors, possibilities and showed me ways to serve better in my ministry.
– The graduates from the last years were very excited about the school. Now I understand why. I am thankful for you and the time we spent together. It was the best investment in my life during last years. I am glad I have had the privilege to spend time with you. I have been enabled to see life and ministry from a brand new perspective.