We have a dream to organize 8 English Camps with 9 local churches with four different denominations represented in Slovakia. Could you join us in your prayers to see the miracle?

Peter Michalcik is our new English Conversation Camps director, he led his first KECY Camp Leader Meeting this week. It was such an encouragement to have so many brothers and sisters come together as the body of Christ to prepare for our upcoming summer camps.

We are currently seeking 5 more North American short-term teams and a handful of interns to join us. We’d ask that you please join us in prayer. And, may the following verses speak to your hearts as they did with our while the camp leaders shared what God has been teaching them…

Mark 10: 41-52, God heals a blind man…we are currently blind in this situation, but am trusting the Lord to open our eyes to see His hand in all of this.

Prov. 19:21, we have our plans and the Lord has His! May we not walk ahead of him.

Acts 17:26-27, God is in control, may we seek Him.

Luke 10:2, Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field!