I retuned from the local church camp for the youth and junior high and it was a great experience to me (my daughters were with me too and they enjoyed it very much as well). The camp with Dolny Kubin youth (over 70 students were there) was really very Slovak, I am not sure if I can describe it properly, but everything was very natural. For example we run almost all afternoon in the forest, or I played the worst bass guitar I’ve ever played, the accommodation was very plain too (as well as the food although it tasted very good), the games were very simple (for example the Skiing game – you and your opponents, need just to lean on the wall as a skier and to pretend that you are skiing (there are also the jumps, the curves…), the person who is able to “ski” the longest is the winner…

The fact that I practice (ice hockey) every week helped me to survive this game.

I had 3 talks, one was the evangelism workshop and two were evening talks about Indescribable God and the last one – the Gospel presentation, resp. sharing What does it mean to walk with God. The Lord was good and He enabled me to share openly and I felt like everything was pretty clear and He was in it. I was even more confident about it when my children (my the second biggest critics after my wife) assured me that it was touching and interesting enough even for them. After the very last talk I challenged the students to go to the one of four stations (our KECY –English Evangelism camp idea, Game station, Forgiveness station, a Pondering about God… station, Decision to follow the Lord station). I was at the last station (with one of the camp leader) and 6 girls came, it was pretty unusual to me (too many girls, although I have some at home too, it is still not easy for me to get used for that).

Through this experience I feel like the Lord honored me to understand better young people who were so open in many personal meetings with me. I am very thankful for that. I also realized that I stepped into the ministry of many Christians who were around of these young people and who have already presented the Gospel mainly through their life.

One thing that happened to me was pretty interesting. I am reading the Scripture daily and many times I feel like I know that passage…, but I do not know how can I use it or how to apply it, or I feel like it says nothing to me. I do not know if you have this kind of experience during your daily devotions. Simply, sometimes I feel like the word lost the power in my life.
The interesting thing happened to me during many personal meetings with the students during the camp. It was that God refreshed many verses and passages from the Scripture in the right time and I was surprise that He talked through me and the Scripture. After the meetings I was so surprise and so thankful to the Lord that He keeps his promise and that He led me very
personally in it. I feel like He is eager and able to use us and our faithfulness and our discipline in reading His word.

Well, now when I am back home I need to think a lot about the ministry in Dolny Kubin. I feel like the Lord is doing something significant in this town and I would love our (TCK) team to be more involved over there. Does the Lord want a TCK(JV) missionary to move there? Or what can we do to help them? (the youth leader asked me to serve at their winter and summer camp as well as during their weekend retreat again). There are some questions in my mind but I believe that He will answer and He will provide the solution according His will.

I wish you great day in His presence