On May 27, 60 interns landed and began their three-day JV Amazing Race from Vienna, Austria, via Bratislava, Slovakia, via Budapest, Hungary, via Hotel Malenovice, Czech Republic. From there they spent a week in training for their summer preparations. In the morning, we reviewed the talk series, God Story, spent mid-day preparing them in their various roles, rested in the afternoon, and in the evening, dived into scriptures to prepare their hearts, minds and souls.

They are now in their perspective countries with 10 of them serving with us in Slovakia! We are very thankful to God for providing us with these amazing, talented and gifted college students who have given up their summer to serve alongside our ministry.

In June they were in their host cities walking alongside the Slovak youth groups, and promoting camps in high schools.
Will you join us in praying for:
Their health- we are all fighting colds and would ask that you please pray for strength and good health.
Overcoming fears and obstacles – Satan does not want us to be doing this, and is attacking our minds with fears, doubts and insecurities. Please pray for protection and that we will walk boldly in Christ wearing our armor to fight off the spiritual warfare.
Slovak students – pray that after interns visit in the classrooms, student’s hearts would be soften and that they would sign up to participate in KECY this summer.
Youth Groups – pray for the Slovak youth groups as they prepare for the upcoming camps.

I cannot thank you enough for standing with us during this summer with your thoughts, prayers and encouragement!