We spent 2 liters of the chemicals and more than 30 kilograms of the paint just for the one small room. Och, we live really comfortable lives and we do not even realize it!
Dear friends!
God is good! This summer was great proof of His mercy and goodness again. We started it with the evangelistic project, a day camp called Holiday friendship, designed for the gypsy community. We organized it in cooperation with some Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship students from California, a Slovak organization called Matica Slovenska and my local church Cirkev Bratská here in Žilina. The students from America were led by our former IFES Slovakia team leaders, Kurt & Laura Thiels. Later, the team took part in an English conversation and culture camp with VBH Slovakia and IFES Ireland.
One of the activities was the painting of two gypsy flats.
The very first feeling I had was to call the bulldozer to pull the houses down and to build it again.
We spent 2 liters of the chemicals and more than 30 kilograms of the paint just for the one small room. Och, we live really comfortable lives and we do not even realize it!
Another part of the project was the workshops. They were very popular among the children as well as the teenagers. The adults took part in the day camp too. The students shared the Gospel with the group. The help of the Christian students and the Gospel went hand in the hand. The day camp was an unforgettable experience, mainly for us, the organizers. I am thankful to God for Helenka, especially (she is a Christian from the local church). She is the one who continues to minister day after day in this community.
Workshop – making the animals for Noah’s ark. From the day camp – Holiday friendship project.
The English Conversation and Culture Camp was the last one for me in VBH-IFES. We organized such camps for eight years (we started with the Thiels). More than 300 students took advantage of these camps, meeting Christians and hearing the Gospel. Great friendships were created during these camps. Even the stormy discussions