July 2007 News
It is a joy to share with you what has happend…

Flood in Zilina
It was very close. A few people cried, some rejoiced, and some expressed their compassion. Just two hours of rain was enough to get Kompas’s street under water. I left for lunch but could not get back. However, we were soon relieved. If it had rained just a few more inches, the water would get into our basement. Unfortunately, our neighbor struggled more. Water filled his basement completely. By the time he was closing his windows, his new car had already been flooded. “We attend the church regularly! Well, especially my wife…” he said. But life continues. Should we rejoice or be sad? That is a dilemma. For today’s disaster can meet us tomorrow. But today, we are ok. Thank God for that. Lord, please comfort or challenge those who are not.

Weekend in Kukova village
Last week we had a training weekend for the Kukova (East Slovakia) youth and junior high teams. We shared that to become a Christian is just the beginning of our walk with the Lord. There is something that critically needs to be shaped as well, and that is our character. We pondered Psalm 15. “Who shall abide in your tabernacle? Who shall dwell in your holy hill? ”
In the second part of the training, we tried to better understand the people we serve. We introduced how our age and maturity influences our understanding of reality, and why some people can have different perceptions of the same reality. If only I would be able to better apply this in my own life as well! To be able to better understand the importance of our character, we had an activity for the teams that moved my bones fast (unpredictable long run – have a look at the picture).

The end of the School of Leaders school year
We have finished the 4th year of the School of Leaders. It is always a great joy to see our 8 month effort evaluated positively by the students. Here are some of their comments about SPM school 2006/7:
– It was such a great adventure to be a student in the school. It has been an encouraging time for me. I regained the hope from every SPM gathering. Thank you for inspiring me, for the example I found in you as people who walk with Jesus daily.
– SPM became to me a synonym for encouragement. Time I spent with you and the ministry you are doing was a testimony of your walking with God and your service to Him with a full heart. Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement and your friendship.
– The greatest benefit has been the fact that my point of view spread (became) wider. SPM opened new doors, possibilities and showed me ways to serve better in my ministry.
– The graduates from the last years were very excited about the school. Now I understand why. I am thankful for you and the time we spent together. It was the best investment in my life during last years. I am glad I have had the privilege to spend time with you. I have been enabled to see life and ministry from a brand new perspective.

Davka on Web – Finally
We are so excited about the life of our new youth ministry resource website! We’ve been waiting years for this big step forward. This makes our youth ministry resources more accessible, plus it enables us to have live contact with the youth worker community across the country. If you have a chance, go to the site at www.davkaonline.sk. It’s all in Slovak, but you can browse around and see all the resources that are available to youth workers here now (you may not be able to see all the materials unless you register). The colored four categories (tabs) at the top of the page are; ideas (napady), themes (temy), personal growth (osobny rast) and leaders (veduci).
We officially launched the new site, fully functional in May 2007. There are hundreds of articles about youth work, music, videos, devotionals, pictures, games and more.

Our new web site
If you would like to learn about us more, you can visit our new web site www.tckompas.sk/hrubo. You will find there more information about our TCK family, as well as the ministry, through our blog, photo gallery, media etc.

Possibility of unusual investment for new supporters
This year TCK has received a special offer. A foundation decided to support TCK ministry and help spread the TCK financial team of supporters within Slovakia and abroad. The foundation will match $1 for every $1 received from a new TCK supporter. This matching grant goes up to $30,000. We feel like this is a rare opportunity, and it is a great way for us to encourage new supporters to join us in the ministry. The money TCK gains from this will be used for the Annual Youth leaders conference, for the School of the leaders and for the TCK administration. Please consider this opportunity of investment into His kingdom in Slovakia. Thank you.

What about us?
It seems that I will experience a busy summer. First, for 17 days my colleague, Draho, and I will be in Georgia, Texas and Florida. We will have a lot of meetings with both potential ministry donors in local churches, as well as with our current partners. Then, when I return to Slovakia, I will join our third KECY (English conversation camp for secondary school students), that has been organized with the local Baptist churches in Bratislava. It seems that I will be less busy in August. I will take part in CampFest, an open-air Christian festival, as well as begin preparation for the next season of our School of Leaders. Hopefully, a family vacation in Slovakia will follow.
We started to give up the idea about moving into bigger flat, but we are not sad because of that for it is in His hands. Our children are looking forward to their school vacation and our church summer camps. I am little bit sad that I will be away on the trip for half of their vacation, but I believe that it will be a new experience for me and that it will bring glory to Him.
We wish you a great summer.