The National Youth Leaders Conference (KPM) knocks on our door. This year’s conference will be from April 23rd to the 26th (pretty soon).
The topic of the conference is “Restart” (Recovery, Renewal, Restoration). Our team is working hard on the preparation. A big change this year is that we gave freedom to the main speakers to choose their topic and to share freely from the word the Lord put in their hearts. The second big change is that I gave a lot of space to our young colleagues to develop and create the conference program. We were also blessed this year by the Minister of the Scholl and the city of Zilina by getting additional financial grants from them. It looks like it will help us to organize the conference without so much financial stress. Please pray for us that the conference would inspire and encourage the youth leaders (almost all of them are the volunteers) in Slovakia. We believe that KPM is more than a conference!