It was excellent! It is unbelievable that something like this exists in Slovakia as well. It encouraged and strengthened me a lot. Each person left with a small container of soil and seeds planted to represent lives of others that they were going to invest in. It was a wonderful visual aid and a great reminder to put the lessons into practice. I told my wife when I got home that it was one of the best organized and most creative events I have ever been to! Dave Patty – KPM 2007 main speaker

If numbers say anything, then it’s a good sign. We had the largest training conference for the youth leaders in
it’s 14 year history. Over 600 participants! The sessions were packed out, with people sitting in overflow rooms
and in the isles of the auditorium. We believe that God strongly influenced the whole current of the conference
and guided everyone’s hearts and minds into the theme, the hands of the speaker, the seminars, the worship
and the other activities. It was an amazing process to witness.

The theme of the week was “Christ in you – not from ourselves”. Sessions included, being rooted in Christ
through four roots – Word, prayer, Holy Spirit and Body (church). Then there were sessions on the four
branches of growth or pathways to fruitfulness which were; obedience, love in action, worship, and
evangelism. There was also a session on the poisons that harm our growth and fruit bearing, which were;
hypocrisy, hard hearts, secularizing the sacred and broken relationships.

Thank to our God, and thank you to those who prayed for us during this event. God’s presence and power were
plain to see!

Here are a few translated comments from participants:
I am very thankful that the Lord gives you vision and enthusiasm to organize KPM every year. I just want to tell you how much blessing it
brings to our team every year. It has a great significance. So: thank you 🙂
Wooow. Well, KPM was some good stuff. I only heard about it before, but, as it is said, one needs to experience it. Once again, I am blown
away from it 🙂 I will come next year too. God was speaking to me continually and he was showing me things that are not OK in my life. I
knew of some of these things, but I needed to think deeply about some of them. I am working on it now:) I was a passive and not a joyful
Christian. It is changing now

God showed me a lot during this KPM. All those poisons that were destroying me and my relationship with him. And also that I don’t love
him with my whole heart – I could see it clearly during the worship time – my heart did not worship and I had to leave that evening, because
of that…but praise to Jesus, he showed me all of this and that I can start over again, walk behind him like his child not like one of his
employers. That in all of this, it is not about us, about me, but about Him. I was very much encouraged and I look forward to the adventures
that Jesus prepares for me and for us. Thank God for you as well.

Thank you for this year. Even though I was expecting that I will solve my problems at KPM and I will kneel on my knees before God… but that
did not happen. Well, I have to live the reality in my real life and in real time and solve real problems. But KPM helped me to start thinking
about things inside of me, it showed me the direction from the darkness, it told me what is important and now I only have to apply it. Thank
you. And if anybody is reading this (I think you are) then I am asking for a prayer for me.

Just thank you! I am still full of emotions, a lot of things cleared up – even though majority of them had no connection to the theme of the
conference, but I guess it was “in the air” that the Lord God was working 🙂 KPM is a different event for me than the rest I’ve experienced so far.
I could see and sense that the organizers care about it and they don’t leave anything to be ruined by unexpected events, every detail being
completely thought of, nice little ideas… Wishing you a lot of new strength into your new blessed work, the Lord God be with you all!
The Lord Jesus is amazing! He was touching me unbelievably throughout the whole KPM, through the speakers, worship time, stories from
real life of missionaries, …the ministry that you do, you do it amazingly! Keep on going!!!!!!!!!