First term of evangelistic camps with Roznava, Zilina, Levice, Bratislava and FUSION camp with Bratislava church is over.

Thank you very much to all of you who prayed or supported us any way. My first active participation at FUSION camp revealed new knowledge about me:
1, My voice went down 4 tones. It seems I need to sing more.
2, I had a feeling that I used to have almost absolute pitch. After the camp I deeply doubt about it.
3, I forgot to whistle. I have not whistled for more than 30 years and suddenly I do not know how to do that. I thought that once you know it, you can’t forget it.

But I still have the passion to share Good news of Jesus as well as to serve young generation disregarding their world view.

The Lord gave me the grace to lead spiritual discussions, explain the GOSPEL and challenge the students to make another step to follow Jesus. In spite of long, very deep and interesting discussion, two girls hesitated to submit to Jesus, but I believe that their time will come soon. My non-church roommate committed his life to Jesus during the camp. He told me: “Everything testifies that I became Christian. Ó what a change!”

This week second term of the evangelistic camps has started – EDGE sport camp with Bardejov church, KECY – English camps with Košice, Nové Mesto nad Vahom and Presov.

Yestereday 17 camps started all across JV. One of them was the 1000th camp since the first one 20 years ago in 1994. Check out this amazing video – and praise God with us today!

…and the latest blog which also tells the story
Yesterday was a very important day!