Our personal ministry blog

Month: January 2018

Our year 2017

In these few lines I would like to briefly describe our year 2017.

In the beginning of the year I faced a challenge to accept, or not to accept a job position of general manager in one local Zilina company, which happens to be one of our TCK partner/supporters. But in the end, God’s will was for me to continue in the Kompas ministry. However, the Lord used this challenge to start a process of significant structural changes in TCK. After 10 years, we feel like I needed to change my job focus from executive director to a presidential role. It means that I will work more on vision casting, public representation of the organization, support raising for the national ministry of Kompas and relationships with the local church partners. Plus, I will be more involved in Josiah Venture on an international level. The change process should be completed by the end of 2018, when a new TCK operational leader will be in training.

In January we opened a new 24 hour online prayer watch. I’ve gained a new impulse to move forward in my prayer life through this new interactive tool. Our personal and current prayer needs are regularly shared there, as well as our fellow JV missionaries around Central Europe. I would love for each of you to join our prayer movement at least once, to experience it personally. Your personal hour can be booked online at https://www.josiahventure.com/pray/

Our daughter Michaela graduated with her masters degree last summer. She now teaches at a local basic school. We are proud parents, she is doing well and she loves teaching although it is a challenge. Her husband Marian is the senior pastor of our mother church and he is a great husband. Daniela continues her masters study in marketing (2 more years). We are pleased to see how she is overcoming life’s hurdles and is prospering spiritually.

We are in the second year our local church plant called “Beyond the church”. There are a lot of opportunities to serve spiritual seekers who normally would not come to a traditional Christian service. I also joined the national Church planting team. Our vision is in 10 years to see 10 new local churches, 10 new missional communities (MC) and 10 potential MC leaders. I was also part of the SOMA church planting school as well as the Church planter’s assessment training.

In the Fall we signed a house contract to build a small duplex with a small garden. It should be finished at the end of 2018. It seems that our dream will come true after eight years of seeking a solution for a bigger living room (our church community’s big need). We can’t wait for a change in spite of the debt.

This year Evka and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. Marriage exceeds my expectations and I need to say, that I praise the Lord for that day before the wedding altar. Our relationship is in a great condition to know each other deeper in spiritual growth as well as in a deeper celebration of our Lord. We are grateful to the Lord for our physical, emotional and spiritual health.

We thank you for your friendship and partnership, as we seek to raise up this young generation of Slovaks through Training Center Kompas.

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