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The Fajfrs

„The Lord has his plan, He will provide!“, she told and she added: „I am looking forward to seeing how the Lord is going to solve your situation.“. And she prayed. I thought: „Well, she is from America, she can hardly understand our situation.”

Story of sister Fajfr

„Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.“ Hebrews 13.7

When we are thinking about sister Ruth Fajfr, the above verse always emerges in our mind. I would like to mention just one of many encounters we experienced with so precious sister. Lets start with some introduction. During our studies we have known her by her invitation to practice our English (she was really brave we thought, probably she had no idea how poor our English was). The invitation was to read from the Scripture and to share. We were visiting the Fajfr’s house regularly. Their house was open for the guests any time. The time spent with Ruth was very encouraging, she had a lot of to share and we were learning a lot of her stories, but mainly her character (for example the Fajfr’s were generous and hospitable, every time we were offered something to eat and to drink, it was very significant for us as the students, although the food was not the reason of our visits). We were observing the life of the couple. Little by little we realized that many of the students, their friends and the neighbours, both Christians and non-Christians were visiting Fajfr’s home. More guests, more students, Olga, Patrik, Misko, Ivana… Some of them became Christians, some still need make a decision towards the Lord.

I would like to mention one story we experienced with sister Ruth, that I will remember forever. Me and my wife Eva graduated. We made a decision to marry soon and to start our own family. We engaged and we were thinking about the marriage and the flat that year. There was no rent of the house or a flat in that time and we needed a place to stay. It would not be such a problem to buy or to get a flat for free or for 30000 Slovak crowns half year ago, during the socialism. But now, in a short period, after the velvet revolution everything has been changed. The prices increased rapidly, people were buying almost everything because of the fear connected with the new price policy. The price for our flat raised 4 times in our city. We were in a shock. With a sorrow we shared and explained the situation with sister Ruth. Do you know what did she do? She rise, rubbed her hands together and with the mysterious smile and a special fire (shine) in her eyes said: „The Lord has his plan, He will provide!“, and she added: „I am looking forward to seeing how the Lord is going to solve your situation.“. And she prayed. I thought: „Well, she is from America, she can hardly understand our situation. She would have got in, if her income had been 1400 Sk.“. We were able to save just a few crowns in a month…

My view has been changed. Sister Ruth was right! The Lord provided! We have managed to buy a flat in the miraculous circumstances. The Lord continues with His care. It was good lesson we have learned from Ruth, „The Lord will provide!“ We want to obey the command of the letter for the Jews 13.7, and we want to remember and to follow the sister Ruth faith. We made a commitment to open our department, to share the truth of the Scriptures with our neighbours and friends, to serve people through His example and to trust Him in everything. Do not forget, He has a plan, and He will provide! Would you like to experience it too?


Zilina, October 14, 2002

Stop Swimming

Last week, in our (TCK) team meeting, we started talking about a man who was caught in the undercurrent of a waterfall. The story is that he tried THREE TIMES to swim out to the calmer waters, but all three times, he was pulled back by the force of the waterfall. Eventually, he succumed to the power of the water, and he drowned.

His lifeless body was pulled down into the deep water at the base of the waterfall, and then later, it popped up in the pool of calm waters just outside the reaches of the undercurrent. We talked about how we live like this sometimes…how we find ourselves swimming against the current…fighting the forces that seem to want to take life from us. We swim, and we swim. We think if we can just get to that calm water…everything will be fine!
It’s a crazy thought that if we would just give up…stop swimming in the direction we THINK represents life…let ourselves be pulled in the direction that SEEMS like death to us…that we would pop up later in the calm waters.
How often do we swim so hard toward what we think we need and fight what seems like death? Maybe we should stop swimming…let the water carry us down…die…in order to resurface in better places.
I know this is a message we hear over and over again. But you know…as I sat in that meeting, I realized that I do it all the time. I swim so hard toward what I think I need. I don’t trust when I feel like I’m dying. I think I know what’s best.
Where is the life of surrender? Why is it so hard to trust and go with the current? Why don’t I believe that the current in my life is the spirit of God living in me and directing my ways? Why do I keep swimming?
“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls, all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42: 7,8

Written by my colleague Paige Crawford

“Elements – Life in Christ”

Multimedia materials for the new Christians
We are excited that the multimedia discipleship material for new Christians has been published recently. It has been produced with the cooperation of our Josiah Venture partners. Elements is a unique tool, translated into 11 languages, to help students in their relationship with Jesus. With each lesson are video interviews with young people from across Eastern Europe. There are 10 lessons that focus on the foundational elements of a relationship with God (Salvation, Prayer, God’s word, obedience, Holy Spirit, Worship, Service in love, Sharing the Gospel, Community).

You can learn about it more at www.jvelements.com. We use Elements mainly in follow-up to our summer camps.

Mike moved to Zilina

In the begining of June 2009, Mike Sullivan (from Josiah Venture) joined officially our TCK team. We know him pretty well. He has already worked with us for few years in Presov, he led the English camp intern team and last two years he worked for Josiah Venture in Czech republic.

We are very encouraged by having him in the team as well as we are looking forward to seing how the Lord will use his gifts in TCK ministry.

First Woman

Slovak First Woman Prime Minister
It’s official, Slovakia has their first Woman Prime Minister, Iveta Radicova. To learn more, visit news http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/europe/10567364.stm.

Tears and the joy

I wanted to write down more about us and our walk with Him. If you are interested you need to open the attachment.

I wanted to write down more about us and our walk with Him. If you are interested you need to open the attachment.


Fusion – invest into something meaningful

Possibility of unusual investment for new supporters
This year TCK has received a special offer. A foundation decided to support TCK ministry and help spread the TCK financial team of supporters within Slovakia and abroad. The foundation will match $1 for every $1 received from a new TCK supporter (from abroad).

This matching grant goes up to $12,500. We feel like this is a rare opportunity, and it is a great way for us to encourage new supporters to join us in the ministry. The money TCK gains from this will be used for the new project FUSION. We would like to established an outreach model to reach unchurched Slovak youth based on Rock/Gospel choirs and performing arts, through which a lot of youth would hear the Gospel message.
Please consider this opportunity of investment into His kingdom in Slovakia. Thank you.

Busy summer

Summer means the busiest season in the year to us. We are in the preparation process for nine evangelistic English camps and the school year of the School of the leaders 2011/12. Moreover we work on fall Exit TOUR project (we would like to share the Gospel in 9 high schools at least) and Exit 316 TV project (currently we are finishing the adaptation of the first ten TV series).

It is very exciting season. We have new Exit team of staff in Kompas. In May we welcomed Zuzka Potocka, Jan and Katka Havrilova. Suddenly there is not enough space in TCK Presov office any more.

Mentioning the changes I cannot omit that our colleague Draho Poloha and his family will move to Banska Bystrica soon. New missionary Josh Howard will join him to help with new TCK evangelism program FUSION (rock-pop-drama-art choirs). You can learn more about the project in our TCK 2010 annual report at www.tckompas.sk/annual.

English camp interns Mindy, Miriam, Hunter and Melanie joined us in May. They serve in English camp promo and preparation. Melanie will stay in Slovakia longer, till December and she will help with camps follow up ministry mainly in Dolny Kubin. This summer we miss the Shepperson’s family, they took 6 months furlough in the states.

This year conference for more than 700 youth leaders focused on the God’s word, was great opportunity for me to serve so many youth workers. During the conference TCK gathering elected new TCK board – the representatives of four main protestant denominations. Also my mandate (TCK director) was prolonged till June 2015.

Currently the biggest wrestle is to gain the acceptance for evangelistic Exit 316 TV project at the biggest protestant denomination – Lutheran church as well as at Ecumenical board of the churches. The leadership of the Lutheran church is the door to the Slovak television for Exit 316 as well as to Ecumenical board. So far we are not successful. Two days after our meeting with the Lutheran church bishops, very negative article about TCKompas ministry was published at the Lutheran newspapers by their faith committee leader. Big discussion in their church was stirred. Somebody said that as well as the world after September the 11th, 2001 is different also the Lutheran church in Slovakia after June the 8th, 2011 (the day when the article was published) will be different. It is obvious that there is big motion in the spiritual realm. It is great to know that He is the door.

KPM 2012 is over

Dear friends, our 19th Annual Youth Leaders Conference (KPM) concluded with 746 youth leaders jumping on board with God to lead them in their lives and ministries. It was exciting to see so many young people gather together as the body of Christ,

learning how Jesus discipled, in order to return to their homes, villages, or towns to lead others to Him. We were blessed to have many talented people serve alongside us through volunteering, leading us in worship, participating in skits, and sharing talks/seminars. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for these leaders as they return home equipped, inspired, and trained. To give you a glimpse of this year’s conference, I am including a few highlights that include videos, prayer requests, joys and a letter from our friend, Josiah Venture president – Dave Patty. http://www.josiahventure.com/blog/seeing-the-glory-of-god-at-kpm/

video with the participants

KPM jingle

As I close, I want to wish you and your family a blessed Easter! And thanks for your continued support. Peter Hrubo

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