Our personal ministry blog

Category: Blog (Page 9 of 13)

How will TCK future look like?

In the beginning of the year we met and have prayed about the next three year TCK Vision. What does He want us to do? What needs to be changed? How does He want us to be used?

We are still seeking His direction, and would ask that you join us in praying for clarity as we create the next steps. We want to see His plans be accomplished and not ours.

How are we doing?

Thanks to Him, pretty well. I tried to play ice hockey again in April, after the conservative way of healing my knee injury (the pills) and a daily exercise routine on a bicycle for almost 3 months.

Now, everything feels fine. The knee works well.

The children work hard to achieve their grades, but unfortunately the warm weather does not help them in their efforts. Eva is doing well in spite of 6 weeks of rain that prevented her from collecting needed dried flowers for her greeting card business.

Flood in Zilina

It was very close. A few people cried, some rejoiced, and some expressed their compassion.

Just two hours of rain was enough to get Kompas’s street under water. I left for lunch but could not get back. However, we were soon relieved. If it had rained just a few more inches, the water would get into our basement. Unfortunately, our neighbor struggled more. Water filled his basement completely. By the time he was closing his windows, his new car had already been flooded. “We attend the church regularly! Well, especially my wife…” he said. But life continues. Should we rejoice or be sad? That is a dilemma. For today’s disaster can meet us tomorrow. But today, we are ok. Thank God for that. Lord, please comfort or challenge those who are not.

The Flood again…

Big water came to our street. A down-pour of rain, the glacier and not good enough canalization caused tough time again.

If the rain would last longer or if it would happened during the night (and we would not be present to open the sewer manholes), who knows how the TCK basement would look like. This time we were saved, but who knows how it will be next time. Our neighbor was not so lucky this time…

The KECY camp season 2010 is over

Kecy has partnered with four American and Slovak churches where 210 students were participating with the theme: Redeem.

During camp, we shared several ancestral stories of Jesus Christ where His relatives experienced redemption. We brought it closer to home by sharing personal redemptive stories from the Slovak and American youth who lead these students into a personal relationship with Jesus.

On day two, after hearing the story of Rahab, a girl in one of our camps accepted Christ! We are praising the Lord for this new child of God and thankful for your prayers!

As you map out your 2010-2011 ministry plans, would you prayerfully consider joining us next summer?

We are in need of teams to come over to build relationships with students, help run our conversational English camps, and experience Eastern Europe. Less then 1% of Slovak youth have a personal relationship with the Lord with hardly any paid youth workers serving in the church. It’s our desire to reach more students and do 12 camps next summer. We will need interns, short-term teams and new staff to serve along side us to reach the other 99%.

If you are interested in learning more, please let me or my colleague Mike know. I hope you are experiencing a fruitful summer!
Peter H.

Annual reports are typically very boring,

with lots of numbers and percentages. But I have to say that our Training Center Kompas annual report is not so bad. It has lots of pictures, stories and a thumbnail view of our whole work in Slovakia. It’s online, easy to read through (in English or Slovak) and of course, it has all the numbers if you’re the numbers type.

I hope you’ll take 10 minutes to browse through it. Just click here http://www.tckompas.sk/annual/

When you get on the report page, just click the arrow on the right to advance to subsequent pages.

If you enjoy it too much, you can read a annual report from the previous years…

TCK Property issues

One of my responsibilities is not just to take care for the team but also for the TCK property.

During last few months we exchanged all the windows and the doors on the first floor as well as fix the leaking roof. After fixing the leaking balcony and terrace, the property should be in relative good condition. See video – Property issues at VIDEO section of my web site

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