You know it yourself. There are good and bad days. Days when everything goes smoothly and the days when you feel like it would be better to stay in bed.
I have had it this week.

An unknown vandal pierced the tire of my car again. When I was waiting to pay for the servicing, my phone fell on the floor. The display cracked. I initiatively started to change a glass on my iPhone later on. But it decided to end its service for good. In the evening, while playing hockey, I was handling the fast pass of the puck with my foot. I will not be able to put the skates on my feet, for at least two weeks, because of the pain in my ankle. Moreover, my two years old MacBook, it’s motherboard decided to start a strike. I tried to make a backup of my data to the HD right away, but even the spare drive collapsed. Well, perfect! And the last but not least, our family camera (Canon G10) ended its time of running when its lens got stuck. The service man told me happily: “We can fix it. For about 300 USD.” No thank you!

This is how my black day looked like. Accidents usually extend to longer periods of time, but not during the black day. That is when it all happens at once. It is a day black as night.

The black day is a day of a test of our attitudes and faith. At that day we are free to decide, either we will respond as Habakkuk did (3:17-18) “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines … yet I will rejoice in the Lord…”, or as an ordinary man. The example of the heroes of the faith (Hebrew 11) inspires us to make the first choice. Then we can get a chance to experience what Job did: “I have heard the legends about you but now my eye can see you.”

Which way will you choose to go in the time of a black day? Prepare yourself for it! It is just a matter of time, when you will have to face it, and it can be even darker than mine.