Our personal ministry blog

Month: January 2014 (Page 3 of 11)

Dream came true

Yes, it happened, the words cannot describe the experience I had in Israel. Getting to walk where Jesus walked, taught, prayed, and rose is something you only read in the bible. Now as I read the bible, I have a new perspective. In the past, I would pass over the name of this gate, or this city or things that did not seem important. However, after actually getting to walk and touch the places mentioned in the bible, I have a newfound respect of God’s word.

It was great to take part with 200 youth leaders from over 51 nations (and our TCK team) at Global Youth Initiative – conference in Israel.

School of leaders graduation

That’s it! Two days ago, June the 1st, 2008 we finished another, the 5th year of the School of leaders. Fifteen students submitted their final papers, passed the tests and graduated. We believe that they will faithfully continue to serve in their local churches.

What about us? We are looking forward to the new school year and new students, but to take some rest is a good idea too, isn’t it?

For me, the best summer in TCK so far…

During the summer our team cooperated with 9 Slovak and 8 American churches to organize English Evangelism camps for 355 students. 39 of them made a commitment to follow Christ.

If you would like to learn more, to read some stories about what the Lord has done in the lives of the students, just let me know. I would love to send you some stories. For me the camp season was such an exciting experience to see a lot of good fruits. The Lord proved that tripling the number of camps compared to last summer was the right decision. Although this time was pretty busy (team trainings, camp’s preparation, the camps…) it was also very energizing. I can say that it was the best summer in my ministry that I ever had. I am very grateful to the Lord for my colleagues, the interns and the volunteers who did great job.

“2×3” vision for TCK ministry

Recently we have been thinking about the future of our ministry and the result is that our TCK staff desires to see that after 3 years, the current ministry fruit would be doubled. We believe Jesus’s words: “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15.8 (NIV). We finished the fruit evaluation and defining process and are now moving forward to see the multiplication of the fruits according to the “2×3” vision.

One step we need in order to move forward is for our national missionaries’ salaries to be fully funded. For this, and many other reasons, we look forward to taking part in the Josiah Venture 2×3 Campaign. This means we will be coming to the States to connect with all of our current supporting persons and churches, as well as take part in the Atlanta JV vision night. The vision night will be a 2 hour event which will be focused around big picture of JV and where we hope to go in the future. We will organize similar events in Slovakia next year as well. I invite you for the Vision night through http://www.2x3campaign.com/ where you can use the RSVP to register. Please consider this opportunity, because not only is it a great chance to hear about what God is doing in this part of the world, but it is not often that all of our TCK team is together in the States. But if you are unable to make the one in Atlanta, please see if any of the other 10 will be near you.

TCK “crew”

There has been much happening with our team over the past few months. We had 3 new TCK staff workers join us this school year – Janka H. (10 months contract), Maruska K. (2 years), Anka B. as the volunteer/ teacher in the School of Leaders. Kenric, who served with us for 5 years, has returned back to the States. Although it was strange to see him leave, we are grateful for his ministry, especially in the small village where he ministered and spent his last two years.

Another colleague, Marianna Miskeiova, has decided to take a sabbatical till the end of this year. We pray that she would be refreshed after a fruitful 10 years of ministry.
During the summer, the Lord gave a number of people from the States the desire to join our team here in Slovakia. We are praying that He would confirm to us their calling by showing us clearly the place of their future ministry, along with the local church that they would work alongside. We also need a gifted and competent worker who would be able to take the responsibility for Exit 316 project. Please join us in these prayers.

New year for the School of the Leaders 2008/9

We started this month with 13 students from 7 local churches and 2 denominations. This new group has great excitement and desire to learn more about the Lord, and we are praying that their eagerness now will last till the end of the school year. For we know that the way is long, and that there can be many challenges, but in the end there is great worth in it.

College ministry

About 15 college students regularly meet in the dorms to study the Scripture. Our plans for the semester are ready, and I am specifically looking forward to the meetings prepared specially for non-churched students. During these meetings, we try to prepare a unique opportunity for them to hear the Gospel clearly. The team now includes Tana, Janko and Evka, as well as two new students, Mato and Ivka. I really enjoy being with them in this ministry.

What’s new at the Hrubos?

Our Michaela (15) is in secondary school student now, although I call her “vysokoskolacka”, the college student, for she enjoys working late in the evenings pretty often. She is also now the tallest person in our family. Michaela brings a lot of joy to us and we are very grateful…

to our God for her activity in our church’s junior high ministry. Daniela (13) is the organizational kind of person, so if you would need to arrange anything, she is the right person to ask. She also loves to be around people. In September Eva and I celebrated the 16th anniversary of our marriage, and it is hard to believe that those 16 years flew so fast. And we’ve been blessed to have a very meaningful and enriching time together. Eva is a great help to me and to our ministry. Currently she is helping with the TCK bookkeeping, as well as finishing her biggest hand made calendar order to date. I am now enjoying the new ice hockey season, which gives me the possibility to be totally physically exhausted. I’ve also been learning to listen to the Lord’s voice and understand Him better, which is a welcomed and exciting lesson.


Thanks to all of you who pray for us and our ministry, as well as to those who support us financially. It is an honor to be part of the work He is doing here in Slovakia. And to hear more about our ministry, please read the TCK 2007 annual report. You can find it at www.tckompas.sk/annual.

National Training Conference 2009

The National Youth Leaders Conference (KPM) knocks on our door. This year’s conference will be from April 23rd to the 26th (pretty soon).

The topic of the conference is “Restart” (Recovery, Renewal, Restoration). Our team is working hard on the preparation. A big change this year is that we gave freedom to the main speakers to choose their topic and to share freely from the word the Lord put in their hearts. The second big change is that I gave a lot of space to our young colleagues to develop and create the conference program. We were also blessed this year by the Minister of the Scholl and the city of Zilina by getting additional financial grants from them. It looks like it will help us to organize the conference without so much financial stress. Please pray for us that the conference would inspire and encourage the youth leaders (almost all of them are the volunteers) in Slovakia. We believe that KPM is more than a conference!

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