I wake up with an idea about the summer pretty often. I pray mainly for the English camps I will participate in. I will be a counselor in the first one (with youth from Kosice) and I will lead the second one.
We will do the camp with my own local church after 6 years again. My daughter Michaela (15) will serve with me in the church team. I am looking forward to that a lot. To serve her classmates and many other high school students will be a great honor for me. This summer in our camping program, we will have to use a lot of improvisation. Three U.S. churches cancelled their participation in the summer camp program and the fourth one cannot come for the work project we planned to do in May to support the English camp recruitment campaign. Please pray for us that we would not need to cancel any camp of the 7 planned ones. We feel like it would not be good if the Slovak non-churched students would fail to hear and see the Gospel this summer.