School year 2006/07 for youth leaders began.
With the Grace of God we have started another year with 19 students.
Praise God.
Our personal ministry blog
School year 2006/07 for youth leaders began.
With the Grace of God we have started another year with 19 students.
Praise God.
It was excellent! It is unbelievable that something like this exists in Slovakia as well. It encouraged and strengthened me a lot. Each person left with a small container of soil and seeds planted to represent lives of others that they were going to invest in. It was a wonderful visual aid and a great reminder to put the lessons into practice. I told my wife when I got home that it was one of the best organized and most creative events I have ever been to! Dave Patty – KPM 2007 main speaker
If numbers say anything, then it’s a good sign. We had the largest training conference for the youth leaders in
it’s 14 year history. Over 600 participants! The sessions were packed out, with people sitting in overflow rooms
and in the isles of the auditorium. We believe that God strongly influenced the whole current of the conference
and guided everyone’s hearts and minds into the theme, the hands of the speaker, the seminars, the worship
and the other activities. It was an amazing process to witness.
The theme of the week was “Christ in you – not from ourselves”. Sessions included, being rooted in Christ
through four roots – Word, prayer, Holy Spirit and Body (church). Then there were sessions on the four
branches of growth or pathways to fruitfulness which were; obedience, love in action, worship, and
evangelism. There was also a session on the poisons that harm our growth and fruit bearing, which were;
hypocrisy, hard hearts, secularizing the sacred and broken relationships.
Thank to our God, and thank you to those who prayed for us during this event. God’s presence and power were
plain to see!
Here are a few translated comments from participants:
I am very thankful that the Lord gives you vision and enthusiasm to organize KPM every year. I just want to tell you how much blessing it
brings to our team every year. It has a great significance. So: thank you 🙂
Wooow. Well, KPM was some good stuff. I only heard about it before, but, as it is said, one needs to experience it. Once again, I am blown
away from it 🙂 I will come next year too. God was speaking to me continually and he was showing me things that are not OK in my life. I
knew of some of these things, but I needed to think deeply about some of them. I am working on it now:) I was a passive and not a joyful
Christian. It is changing now
God showed me a lot during this KPM. All those poisons that were destroying me and my relationship with him. And also that I don’t love
him with my whole heart – I could see it clearly during the worship time – my heart did not worship and I had to leave that evening, because
of that…but praise to Jesus, he showed me all of this and that I can start over again, walk behind him like his child not like one of his
employers. That in all of this, it is not about us, about me, but about Him. I was very much encouraged and I look forward to the adventures
that Jesus prepares for me and for us. Thank God for you as well.
Thank you for this year. Even though I was expecting that I will solve my problems at KPM and I will kneel on my knees before God… but that
did not happen. Well, I have to live the reality in my real life and in real time and solve real problems. But KPM helped me to start thinking
about things inside of me, it showed me the direction from the darkness, it told me what is important and now I only have to apply it. Thank
you. And if anybody is reading this (I think you are) then I am asking for a prayer for me.
Just thank you! I am still full of emotions, a lot of things cleared up – even though majority of them had no connection to the theme of the
conference, but I guess it was “in the air” that the Lord God was working 🙂 KPM is a different event for me than the rest I’ve experienced so far.
I could see and sense that the organizers care about it and they don’t leave anything to be ruined by unexpected events, every detail being
completely thought of, nice little ideas… Wishing you a lot of new strength into your new blessed work, the Lord God be with you all!
The Lord Jesus is amazing! He was touching me unbelievably throughout the whole KPM, through the speakers, worship time, stories from
real life of missionaries, …the ministry that you do, you do it amazingly! Keep on going!!!!!!!!!
Reconstruction of the TCK furnace successfully done
Praise the Lord! The reconstruction of the TCK heating system is done! We experienced two cold weeks in December during the work time, but we managed to complete the project without freezing ourselves. It was a big surprise for me when we found out that the chimney for the heating exhaust was not straight enough. This meant that we would need to either pull down some walls in the building or to build a new chimney alongside the building. Both choices looked pretty expensive as we felt the pressure from the urgency of the matter. In the end we chose to take the time to search for the problem area in the chimney. This meant we had to demolish some wall to get to the problem area. The original building plans helped a little bit as we looked for the problem. At last we found the problem and made the necessary repairs. We felt good about the decision especially because the hole in the wall was in the good place (not in a public space or in the kitchen) and it was not so huge. This was all fine, until the reconstruction firm found out that the chimney had another problem area further up the chimney! I started to think if it was really a good idea to replace the furnace (although I knew that it was necessary). The old system didn’t work properly and the gas consumption was extreme. So, we prayed a lot and God was faithful. The workers found the right place to make the second “incision” in the wall and were able to make the needed repair in it. In both cases, the damage was not so big. Neither the floors nor any permanent structures were damaged.
Our whole training staff and café team was also able to work in the building during the repairs. I was curious how these extra repairs would influence our contract agreement with the repair company. We have learned in the past that these kind of projects are more expensive that we plan. But in the end, the company manager decided support our ministry by not charging us extra for the extra work.
TCK visit in Lucenec
This summer we helped one church in Lucenec do a KECY camp. Just a month ago we have received email from the pastor Tomáš saying: “Please would you come help us do a KECY club as a starter for follow up with the students from the summer camp. Peto, Amy, Mato, Miska and Draho prayed and went out there. We meet about 22 of them and had a really fine time together. Mato and Draho sang, Miska spoke, and Amy and I discussed the future camps with pastor Tomas.
After many years serving in Slovakia, Danny, Clara and the kids are heading home!
The TCKompas team held a going-away party for the Joneses a few Sunday’s ago. It was amazing how many hearts their lives touched throughout Slovakia and beyond. I first met Danny back in 1993. That was almost fifteen years ago! I learnt a lot about loving the Lord, serving the people, inspiring the others, etc. from him
Danny and his family will be missed by so many. Please be in prayer for them as they return home and transition after almost 15 years of service in Slovakia.
Davka on Web – Finally
We are so excited about the life of our new youth ministry resource website! We’ve been waiting years for this big step forward. This makes our youth ministry resources more accessible, plus it enables us to have live contact with the youth worker community across the country. If you have a chance, go to the site at It’s all in Slovak, but you can browse around and see all the resources that are available to youth workers here now (you may not be able to see all the materials unless you register). The colored four categories (tabs) at the top of the page are; ideas (napady), themes (temy), personal growth (osobny rast) and leaders (veduci).
We officially launched the new site, fully functional in May 2007. There are hundreds of articles about youth work, music, videos, devotionals, pictures, games and more.
It seems that I will experience a busy summer. First, for 17 days my colleague, Draho, and I will be in Georgia, Texas and Florida. We will have a lot of meetings with both potential ministry donors in local churches, as well as with our current partners. Then, when I return to Slovakia, I will join our third KECY (English conversation camp for secondary school students), that has been organized with the local Baptist churches in Bratislava.
It seems that I will be less busy in August. I will take part in CampFest, an open-air Christian festival, as well as begin preparation for the next season of our School of Leaders. Hopefully, a family vacation in Slovakia will follow.
We started to give up the idea about moving into bigger flat, but we are not sad because of that for it is in His hands. Our children are looking forward to their school vacation and our church summer camps. I am little bit sad that I will be away on the trip for half of their vacation, but I believe that it will be a new experience for me and that it will bring glory to Him.
We wish you a great summer.
Sometimes we find excuses not to participate or think we are limited to do things, but after learning about the West Huntsville team (their team served at KECY Presov Camp and me, Danny and Draho prayed for their mission trip in their city), it can inspire us to experience that with Christ all things are possible.
Before the camp when we pray for them, I had no idea who are they until we saw them and their families we realized how many personal sacrifices these team members made to come to Slovakia.
Their leader, Ken, left his wife & five kids under the age of 6. Michael missed his sister’s wedding celebration. A single mom came to serve for the week. All missed the fourth of July celebrations with their friends & family. And then there was Emily, being five-month’s pregnant, flying over to live life with the students as her husband took care of their 1.5 year old son at home.
Thank you guys for your inspiring sacrifices & family members who gave up so much for you to be with our students & team. We have a lot of to learn from you through that. May the Lord bless you all.
I retuned from the local church camp for the youth and junior high and it was a great experience to me (my daughters were with me too and they enjoyed it very much as well). The camp with Dolny Kubin youth (over 70 students were there) was really very Slovak, I am not sure if I can describe it properly, but everything was very natural. For example we run almost all afternoon in the forest, or I played the worst bass guitar I’ve ever played, the accommodation was very plain too (as well as the food although it tasted very good), the games were very simple (for example the Skiing game – you and your opponents, need just to lean on the wall as a skier and to pretend that you are skiing (there are also the jumps, the curves…), the person who is able to “ski” the longest is the winner…
The fact that I practice (ice hockey) every week helped me to survive this game.
I had 3 talks, one was the evangelism workshop and two were evening talks about Indescribable God and the last one – the Gospel presentation, resp. sharing What does it mean to walk with God. The Lord was good and He enabled me to share openly and I felt like everything was pretty clear and He was in it. I was even more confident about it when my children (my the second biggest critics after my wife) assured me that it was touching and interesting enough even for them. After the very last talk I challenged the students to go to the one of four stations (our KECY –English Evangelism camp idea, Game station, Forgiveness station, a Pondering about God… station, Decision to follow the Lord station). I was at the last station (with one of the camp leader) and 6 girls came, it was pretty unusual to me (too many girls, although I have some at home too, it is still not easy for me to get used for that).
Through this experience I feel like the Lord honored me to understand better young people who were so open in many personal meetings with me. I am very thankful for that. I also realized that I stepped into the ministry of many Christians who were around of these young people and who have already presented the Gospel mainly through their life.
One thing that happened to me was pretty interesting. I am reading the Scripture daily and many times I feel like I know that passage…, but I do not know how can I use it or how to apply it, or I feel like it says nothing to me. I do not know if you have this kind of experience during your daily devotions. Simply, sometimes I feel like the word lost the power in my life.
The interesting thing happened to me during many personal meetings with the students during the camp. It was that God refreshed many verses and passages from the Scripture in the right time and I was surprise that He talked through me and the Scripture. After the meetings I was so surprise and so thankful to the Lord that He keeps his promise and that He led me very
personally in it. I feel like He is eager and able to use us and our faithfulness and our discipline in reading His word.
Well, now when I am back home I need to think a lot about the ministry in Dolny Kubin. I feel like the Lord is doing something significant in this town and I would love our (TCK) team to be more involved over there. Does the Lord want a TCK(JV) missionary to move there? Or what can we do to help them? (the youth leader asked me to serve at their winter and summer camp as well as during their weekend retreat again). There are some questions in my mind but I believe that He will answer and He will provide the solution according His will.
I wish you great day in His presence
July 2007 News
This year we have registered fifteen students (youth leaders) from eleven local churches and three denominations. One change this year is that I am teaching. I am teaching Christian character development. I like this subject because I have big challenges in my own character.
To me it is like learning to ride a bike… there is not too much theory, but a lot of hard practice. I am also involved in the mentoring aspect of the program.
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