Peter & Eva Hrubo

Our personal ministry blog

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News from the Hrubo’s

Our biggest news is that we should move in March 2008 into a four bedroom apartment, which is much bigger than our present apartment and is pretty close to our children’s school. This is the miracle when we take into consideration the apartment situation and the growth of the housing prices in Zilina. The Lord was gracious to our family in this matter again.

Our children are growing fast. Michaela is the same height as me now. Danielka slowly follows her sister. Both enjoy school and their grades in school are a reflection of their effort. It is fun to observe their different personalities and temperaments. Evka is pretty busy now. Currently she works on her hand made calendars for 2008 and Christmas cards. I travel a lot and I feel immersed in the Kompas ministry which is very fulfilling and challenging.

No longer a border

Who would say (few years ago) that we will not have to stop at the boarder to show our passports! Last month Slovakia became part of the European Border-Free Zone. No passports any more, what a change! After fall of the iron curtain it is another big change in our travelling “habit…”

To learn more, visit

Life under the antenna

it happened, we moved to a new flat. The preparation process, the reconstruction of the flat as well as the moving was a great example of the fact that we belong to the big Christian family. More than 45 friends from six different churches contributed in the work and helped us to enjoy our new place. We need to travel a little bit more to get to our office, then before and we struggle to get use to live in the block of flats “jungle” (Vaclav Havel – former Czechoslovak president called the block of flats “kralikarny” – “cages for the rabits…), but the children have more room and can sleep a little bit longer, for we live in the neighborhood of their school.

We enjoy having more space, not just for us, but for our guests too. Well, if you need an accommodation in Zilina, just let us know, we would love to serve you this way. The moving was the miracle when we take into consideration the apartment situation and the growth of the housing prices in Zilina.

The bigest event…

The Youth Leaders Training Conference– KPM 2008 was the biggest event for the youth leaders in the history of Slovakia. More than 650 youth leaders took part and it surprised us. I felt little bit like Gedeon before the battle with the Madians. Our team was too small (the team we had was the smallest in the 15 years history of KPM) to win the battle. But the Lord was in charge.

It is always a miracle when the youth leaders evaluate the event like this: “I experienced just few such moments when I felt that the Lord changes my life. I did not experience smth like this in the previous conferences. This one was totally different for me, marvelous, I left home totally broken and humble person… For me it was such an important event, God touched me…”.
But there is a big challenge for the next year: “Where we will organize it next year? How to keep the prices the way that the youth leaders could still come?”, for the capacity of the place we have is not big enough any more.

College ministry in my heart

My involvement in the college student ministry is very energizing. It is still great place to serve the students from all Slovakia face to face to me. I served in the dorms few times as the speaker and I felt like I was enriched and encouraged by it.

The ministry is more difficult now for the cycle of changing the students in the leadership team is faster, but we still desire to see the newborn students in the college ministry.

Matching grant miracle continues…

Thanks to all of you who pray for our ministry as well as to those who supports financially. It is great adventure, miracle and honor to serve here in Kompas. I enjoy my very meaningful work a lot. Without you it would be hardly possible. Last year we managed (we had the most contributions from the Slovaks we ever had) to obtain the matching grand from a foundation and moreover they decided to continue with us this year too. Please consider this opportunity of investment into His kingdom in Slovakia.

Would you like to learn more? Clic on the 4th paige of this blog and read the article: Possibility of unusual investment… Thank you.

English Camp dreams

We have a dream to organize 8 English Camps with 9 local churches with four different denominations represented in Slovakia. Could you join us in your prayers to see the miracle?

Peter Michalcik is our new English Conversation Camps director, he led his first KECY Camp Leader Meeting this week. It was such an encouragement to have so many brothers and sisters come together as the body of Christ to prepare for our upcoming summer camps.

We are currently seeking 5 more North American short-term teams and a handful of interns to join us. We’d ask that you please join us in prayer. And, may the following verses speak to your hearts as they did with our while the camp leaders shared what God has been teaching them…

Mark 10: 41-52, God heals a blind man…we are currently blind in this situation, but am trusting the Lord to open our eyes to see His hand in all of this.

Prov. 19:21, we have our plans and the Lord has His! May we not walk ahead of him.

Acts 17:26-27, God is in control, may we seek Him.

Luke 10:2, Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field!

Dream came true

Yes, it happened, the words cannot describe the experience I had in Israel. Getting to walk where Jesus walked, taught, prayed, and rose is something you only read in the bible. Now as I read the bible, I have a new perspective. In the past, I would pass over the name of this gate, or this city or things that did not seem important. However, after actually getting to walk and touch the places mentioned in the bible, I have a newfound respect of God’s word.

It was great to take part with 200 youth leaders from over 51 nations (and our TCK team) at Global Youth Initiative – conference in Israel.

School of leaders graduation

That’s it! Two days ago, June the 1st, 2008 we finished another, the 5th year of the School of leaders. Fifteen students submitted their final papers, passed the tests and graduated. We believe that they will faithfully continue to serve in their local churches.

What about us? We are looking forward to the new school year and new students, but to take some rest is a good idea too, isn’t it?

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